
My Heart Breaks For The Mothers Of These Men

Go here: Find their contact information. Call every one of your elected officials and ask them what they are doing to end racism. Then send an email. Then send a handwritten, stamped letter. Request a specific date by which you expect an answer. Then call them back again. Sample script: Hi my name is ________ I am one of your constituents. I vote. George Floyd and Ahmed Aubrey died in horrific, needless ways, do you agree? What are the concrete steps you are doing about it? What are you doing to end racism? An injury to one is an injury to all.

A Conspiracy Theory for Friday

If you haven't heard a good conspiracy theory by Friday then you should start one yourself: You know how there are all these stories about going deep into caves and taking treasures and unleashing curses... "Guano (via Spanish from Quechua: wanu) is the accumulated excrement of seabirds and bats. As a manure, guano is a highly effective fertilizer due to its exceptionally high content of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium: key nutrients essential for plant growth. Guano was al so, to a lesser extent, sought for the production of gunpowder and other explosive materials." "Unlike bird guano which is deposited on the surface of islands, bat guano can be deep within caves. Cave structure is often altered via explosives or excavation to facilitate extraction of the guano, which changes the cave's microclimate. Bats are sensitive to cave microclimate, and such changes can cause them to abandon the cave as a roost, as happened when Robertson Cave in Australia had

Poetic Interlude

Jimmy will be back soon with Chapter 3. Until then: It is only in the happenstance of a year that we find ourselves back again, a year older,  t he numbers the same, except one digit increased by one increment.  The collapse of history and memory tactilely touched in but one.  The continued turn of the clock, the pendulum swinging back and forth completely memoryless—inculcated in the phase— the wave equation a set of numbers conveniently dressed up as letters and arranged in a super- and sub- script, A hierarchy of limits.  The bottom wrung of our ladder holding court, laying out boundary lines, attaching itself to each instance of our favored constancy. This wave, unlocalized, foreign and familiar, touching and spreading and carrying away. The logical connectives of our thoughts that were lost to truth and falsity, rise again; memoryless. Each combination and forgetting concatenation.  Every bit of matter, a wave pent up, a solid waiting to ripple and spread o
It's moments like these that I wonder why there isn't a movie about some crazy bioengineer gene splicing chickens and spiders to produce the ultimate drumstick supply. And then of course something goes horribly wrong. Hey Jacques: try the ultramarine filter.  And now for Chapter 2
Hello World! In these stressful times why not sit down, grab a martini, and listen to the dulcet tones of Jimmy Stewart (yesteryears equivalent to Tom Hanks) read Moby Dick. Deep Dank Thoughts is finally here. Tell Jacques Cousteau to grab his camera. Because things are about to get deep.